DIRC21 Tickets


Show your commitment to D&I

We can’t wait to have you join us for DIRC21! In addition to gaining access to all of the relevant and engaging content, joining us for this unique conference is a great way to show your commitment to creating equitable and inclusive societies. To this end, bulk ticketing provides a phenomenal opportunity for organizations to provide their team with personalized D&I training for as little as $5 per ticket ($3 for academic, nonprofit, or government). In addition, with bulk tickets you can invite your colleagues, clients, students, suppliers, friends… anyone in your community to participate in this event and learn how collaborative, applied research is helping to make societies more inclusive and equitable.

International Sales

We are thrilled to bring DIRC to a global audience by going virtual! Ticketing for DIRC through this website is set up to accept U.S. Dollars. If you would prefer to purchase tickets using another currency, we would be happy to accommodate you. Simply email us at dirc@aleriaresearch.org and we will send over an invoice.

Accessible Pricing

In alignment with ARC’s organizational values it is important that the cost of tickets to DIRC is not a barrier to attendance. If the pricing level that is appropriate for you is a financial hardship, please reach out to us at dirc@aleriaresearch.org and we will work with you to ensure you have the opportunity to attend the conference.